How many times have you walked down the street to see an angry looking chihuahua wearing a shirt that says "Bite Me" along with matching boots and a diamond collar? How many times have you seen a pug wearing goggles while going on bike ride(or rather being dragged behind its owner)? Poor puppies. I can understand fleece jackets during the winter. Infact, my pup Mazie has one. She wears it mostly in the winter and sometimes for the family Easter party. Its cute, but not over done. Awww. How cute? For their sake, please do not dress them up! They are not accessories! They need the same love and care as a human baby.
PeTA! As stunned as I am? Didn't think so. What kind of "animal rights" group euthanizes 94% of the animals they take in? Remember, Speciesism(Thinking you are higher than animals)is no different than racsism and sexism. They cover both in their demonstrations. Need I even mention that Ingrid Newkirk is bat-shit crazy?
I'll stop wasting my breath and get to the story. PeTA demonstrators in New York city dressed up as members of the Ku Klux Klan and handed out leaflets that read "Welcome members of the AKC" AKC was crossed out and KKK replaced it.
Does this ever end? PeTA reminds me of that five year old kid who will go to no end to get attention.
34 years ago the world was taken by storm by the loveable Frank N. Furter. I'm talking of course about the wonderful Rocky Horror Picture Show. If you haven't seen this movie, get in your car and rent it! My top 5 reasons: 5~Its catchy musical numbers 4~Tim Curry pulls off make up and fishnets better than a lot women I know 3~Marilyn Manson is Frank in the remake(coming to a theater near you) 2~Its about tranvestites from space 1~Tim Curry looks fab-u-lous in drag
Good news everyone! You can walk into Papa Muphy's and order a Karly pizza. What is a Karly pizza you ask? Why its the most amazing thing you've ever eaten! Its a cheesless pizza without any thing but olives. sounds gross.... but incredible. It's totally vegan and good for you since it doesn't have any calf chow on it.
Grandma's Dead: Breaking News Bad news With Baby Animals is a hilarious little book of postcards to send to your friends and family. Want to tell your BFF that her new bundle of joy is the poster child of why she shouldn't have slept with her brother? Afraid to tell your girlfriend her ass looks fat? Let a basket of cute bunnies do the talking for you!
You've them at the Gateway, school, shows, movies, clubs, you name it. Those stick thin girls with bleach blond hair with brown or black under. They look like street urchins who haven't seen a mirror in weeks! Stop this atrocity!
Welcome to my new blog! As the title suggests, this is a blog for freaks, vegans, goths, and girls(and guys). At least once a week I will post my opinions on the music scene in Salt Lake City, high school, fashion, and the dull life of suburbia.