I have decided to write a book. Its called Saving Grace and its a fictional book based on my personal experience in animal shelters. My inspiration was a little tortie kitty named Freeway who was found on the side of I-15 in downtown Salt Lake City. I fell in love with this little cat, her story touched me. She was a very sweet cat and i wanted to take her home with me. Saving Grace is about working in a rescue shelter and rescuing Grace. I adopt Grace and we live a happy life together.
It supports rescuing pets instead of buying them in pet stores and how money should be donated to save these amazing animals.
I am talking to Tofu hound Press, an indie publisher for animal rights and veganism books, about publishing it. I'm very excited for this book! It's a dream to see my writing in a a bookstore or at least an online store.
For those of you wondering how to pronounce that... It depends on where you're from, Prop-a-gandhi(as in the protester) for those of you Americans. And Prop-a-gandi(rhymes with candy) for our Canadian friends.
Propagandhi is a Canadian hardcore band. They have a new album out called Supporting Caste. Even though this album is different from all there other music, it is still incredible. They are all vegans and sing about things like that there is no such thing as humane meat, how you can't even go to a hockey game without seeing the horrors of war, and how when the label of "human" or "dog" is removed people will eat any kind of meat. Their lyrics are all gay-positive, pro-feminist, animal-friendly, and anti-fascist.
Their song Human(e) Meat, they talk about how a man was killed kindly(think about those last twowords, kill and kindly) and eaten, with wine pairings! Human meat is no different than a cow or a chicken. Its all mammall flesh. : )
"Seriously, if we as a society can't even bother to treat a simple, unassuming, stunningly gentle and demonstably sentient creature like a cow or a deer with a medicum of decency, how the f*** do we ever expect to be able to treat each other infinately more complex, widly divergent and often exasperating indivual human beings with anything even remotely resembling civility? It just ain't gonna happen"-Jesus H. Chris
I found that quote from the Intermission very insprational and very true.