The Mormon church has just opened the doors to another one of its temples. Great...... More people getting gyped of their money. Like Utah needs more! All of the tything money little children give to the church goes toward paying off the head honcho's BMW and huge home. Yeah yeah, I know they do some good things with it, but a small percentage of the tens of thousands they get anually from the average religious idiot goes towards frivalty. What about the schools who barely scrape by on educating their broods? Because of people like this, my school is using textbooks that fall apart because the district is broke.
And their little minions(missionaries) who stalk the street searching out the non-beleivers like bloodlthirsty lions. Just to get some more brownie points for Elder Manson. They got my innocent little brother a few months ago. They baptised him, taught him how to drink the kool-aid, and even showed him the secret handshake. Baptising is a ritual(cults do rituals and ceremonies BTW) to cleanse the person of all sin. These people are typically eight years old. What kind of a sin does a sweet little eight year old have? Its a form of child abuse preying on them like that!
I'm not Mormon, and I turned out just fine. I do more to help the community than any of them. I stay away from drugs and bad situations because I learned right from wrong. It has nothing to do with "eternal" happiness. Infact, hell has always fascinated more. Thats where everything I like will show up : ) I don't plan on becoming a house wife to ten bratty kids and a husband who doesn't even love me. I don't exactly believe in saving myself till marriage. If I'm in love, hell your'e only young once right? I know what a condom is. Why do these people send their daughters to school to get an education and if they dare bring home anything lower than a B grade, they get beaten, if they will waste it in the end and become exactly like their mother and start the cycle over again?
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